Sometimes regular Yoga and Meditation practitioners do fall into patterns that we are not necessarily aware of!
Have listed here 9 mindless acts that I have seen people around me do; This blogpost is Just for Laughs, and It's not about Right or Wrong - It's just about being more aware of our own mind, our thoughts and acts. Please feel free to add your own special moments, in the comments section!
9. Avidya (ignorance) becomes most prominent when we go shopping. We are always on a look out for that perfect Yoga attire - one more kurta, white t-shirt, new tights, t-back, and the list adds on! -- Not enough space to keep my clothes? Ok! Lets buy a new cupboard (but the shopping cannot stop!) All this without realising that Yoga was never about external appearances, it has more to do with the space of one's mind, the contentment with what we have! Well, such is life!
8. When everyone around is knocked out and into a deep state of meditation during Rudra Pooja chanting(especially in the beautiful Vishalkshi Mantap in AOL Bangalore Ashram - you suddenly hear the loud bhastrika! and you want to stop being so peace-loving and want to go give that person a piece of your mind! Its truly Mindless, but Never Mind!
7. Has it happened with you that just 2 days before an event - your main organiser vanishes for doing an Advance course(Silence retreat)?! People in this category are always Found with Eyes Closed: In a train, at an airport, at home, in office, just before start of a Social gathering, on the Mountain top after a trek, or when any urgent matter needs to be discussed - M E D I T A T I N G!
We become mindless of the Seer! - for now its the scenery thats important...
6. Aparigraha (Non-Accumulation) while on vacation, Really?: Where ever we go, our Yoga Mat and meditation chair and cushion and shawl and bottle of water and pillow and walking shoes and maybe also blanket goes with us! Else How will I do my Sadhana, my practice? The list of things we carry around might vary - but the point is- why is it so difficult to just be with ourselves without any supplementaries! Is Yoga really about ropes and bricks? Is Sadhana really dependant on musical instruments - any true practitioner will tell you it is not!
5. In front of every nice picturesque place- while everyone else is enjoying nature at its best - what do we do?? In Open Public places, We want to take a picture with a Yoga Pose! Will it be a Vrukshasan and a VeerBhadrasan? We become mindless of the Seer! - for now its the scenery thats important...
4. Remember that moment when there is tons of place in the room, but someone comes and puts their mat right Next to yours!! And You Suddenly want to stop your practice and just want to push their mat away!! (this one just had to be a part of my list )
3. When you talk to a dear friend about a situation in your life and the friend listens to one sentence and gives you 20mins Gyaan (knowledge).
This one is not always Mindless - I remember once a highly experienced teacher whilst showing me how to do Sheershasan using a rope- looked at my totally terrified face and had shouted at me, 'You have so much abhinivesha'!
(Abhinivesha in Patanjali YogaSutras is one of the 5 Sufferings / Kleshas. Abhinivesha in its thickest form is fear and in its most diluted form is care)
While he could have easily said, you are so scared, he chose to remind me in that moment of knowledge that was most applicable; and this reminder had also taught me to let life hang on to trust and faith rather than hanging onto concrete walls of concepts!
(Abhinivesha in Patanjali YogaSutras is one of the 5 Sufferings / Kleshas. Abhinivesha in its thickest form is fear and in its most diluted form is care)
While he could have easily said, you are so scared, he chose to remind me in that moment of knowledge that was most applicable; and this reminder had also taught me to let life hang on to trust and faith rather than hanging onto concrete walls of concepts!
2. Have seen many Practitioners fall for Bhranti Darshan or Illusion! One can get pulled into this net without realising it!
A person once came to Guruji feeling totally elated and said 'I have discovered who I am? I have seen the light that I am. Today while meditating, the light came out of my 3rd eye and stood right in front. I had a long conversation and got an answer to all my questions, I am very very happy."
Guruji laughed and said, 'Tell me something, if the light that came out of your body was YOU, then WHO was the one sitting in you and asking all those questions?"
Excess information, without practical application, or half knowledge gathered without proper guidance can led one into this net.
A person once came to Guruji feeling totally elated and said 'I have discovered who I am? I have seen the light that I am. Today while meditating, the light came out of my 3rd eye and stood right in front. I had a long conversation and got an answer to all my questions, I am very very happy."
Guruji laughed and said, 'Tell me something, if the light that came out of your body was YOU, then WHO was the one sitting in you and asking all those questions?"
Excess information, without practical application, or half knowledge gathered without proper guidance can led one into this net.
1. This one tops my list because its undoubtedly the most mindless act happening these days.
Remember waiting for one glance from your Guru / Master, waiting for that one moment that can transform my life completely?! ...and then suddenly there are mobile phones coming right in between you and your Master - because these days, more than meeting your Master, proof of the meet is important. After all its the photographs that get Likes on Fb, who cares about Transformation!
When Gurudev spoke about Guru-Mandala he mentioned people and situations, hey how come he never warned about the demon called 'mobile phone'!

The List would be longer for you all... Let's Learn, Laugh and Move On!
After all, Life is all about Evolution, and Moving forwards is not about right or wrong - its all about New Learnings!